5 Erroneously Constructed Not Only . . . But Also Sentences 5 Erroneously Constructed “Not Only . . . But Also” Sentences 5 Erroneously Constructed “Not Only . . . But Also” Sentences By Mark Nichol Writers often have difficulty determining the word order in sentences in which the phrase “not only” appears followed by an example and then, subsequent to “but also,” another example. Here are fixes to five such sentences. 1. “Digital cameras are not only changing photography, but our lives.” The key to correct syntax in “not only . . . but also” constructions is, when sharing a verb between the two examples, placing “not only” after the verb: “Digital cameras are changing not only photography but also our lives.” 2. “He wasn’t only listening to tone, but also to the rhythms and patterns he would need to understand and communicate.” This sentences partially conceals the problem because not is part of a contraction.

 Erroneously Constructed Not Only . . . But Also Sentences


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