Business Law - Essay Example10 of the said Act. Should her act of carrying an umbrella be construed illegal carriage of weapon? Must umbrella be considered part of the weapon defined in the Sec. 10 of Celebrations Control Act of 2007?Following the four (4) step process, this paper intends to discuss common law rules of statutory interpretation in order to establish whether or not Thalia has really breached Sec. 10 of Celebration Control Act of 2007. With the use of the four (4) step process, this paper shall also discuss review of administrative action by the court to establish whether or not the Constable acted ultra vires when he confiscated Thalia’s umbrella.Step 1. The identified area of the law is statutory interpretation. It is important to establish the common law rules of statutory interpretation to come up with a sound bases for the decision whether Thalia is guilty of the offense.Step 2. The Principles of the Law must be discussed in order to see its relevance to the case. Sec.